Whether it means walking into a bakery and being offered a freshly baked cookie or leaving a luxurious European-style pharmacy and being given free samples of moisturizer and perfume on your way out, it’s a delight to receive something unexpected. It’s a “little extra” and while it’s not necessary, it always strikes me as being incredibly lovely. I am bound…

The talented journalist Patrick Smith of Law.com recently wrote, “More law firms are starting to empower business development officers to generate business tips proactively and leads for their firms.” Patrick couldn’t be more on the mark. While law firms need to continue to empower and invest in the work of their marketing departments, there are still steps that the lawyers…

If you’re reading this, you are likely on LinkedIn or my website, which means you are already attuned to marketing (and likely a pretty amazing person.) But being an active user of LinkedIn and being an impactful user of LinkedIn are two different things. A recent study by the BTI Consulting Group reports that 83% of in-house attorneys are active…

Certain summers when the sun shines just the right way, and the squirrels make other vacation plans, magic happens, and I get loads of peaches from my tree. Other years, just one or two survive and make it to maturity. The same is true with business development activities. There are seasons where your clients will ask you to support…

As appeared on LinkedIn, August 15 Once a law firm names you a partner, a difficult question is bound to arise: How do I move into the new role and grow a practice? While each lawyer is different in the skill sets they possess, their practice area, and the firm in which they practice, there are a few basics that…

Appeared on LinkedIn, August 8. August has always been a special month for me. It always feels like the kick off to the school year, and it’s a time to celebrate my birthday and watch mystical fireflies. If you oversee a marketing function, August is also a unique month for you. While lawyers continue connecting to their clients, most…

As appeared on LinkedIn, July 19, 2023. “The stress of having so many bosses, so little time, and few resources is getting to me.” I spent time the other day speaking with a brand new CMO and offered some advice it has taken me years to learn. It may not be suitable for everyone, but if a pearl works for…

As appeared on LinkedIn on July 10, 2023. “What’s wrong with our strategic plan?” The managing partner said that while the firm had created a strategic plan with a well-known consulting firm, it wasn’t doing the job that the partners expected – and the firm wasn’t achieving its goals. He wanted to know why that was the case. While there…