Whiteboarding is something that all sports teams do in one way or another. It’s the planning that takes place prior to any game. (I chose Ted Lasso for a visual because, being authentic here, watching streaming movies is one of my favorite sports, yet I also watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.)
Yet if we know even the best professional teams whiteboard and plan in advance, why do lawyers skip this essential step before their new business pitches?
The PR master Cheryl Bame reminded me of this during her recent visit to New York, proving that creativity often takes at least two people to create a spark.
So, before your next BD pitch, please remember the basics.
Choose your team carefully. Everyone on the team must have a purpose and role.
Involve your business development department in all aspects of the pitch.
Know as much as possible about the company, their players, and the issue that you are being asked to address.
Refine your value proposition and selling points. Base them on the potential client’s concerns and factor in the incumbents you may face. Be able to back those points up with real examples.
Know the objections in advance and how to address them, even before they are raised.
Get the team together to practice. Understand the main objective of a whiteboarding and rehearsal is to be prepared and be ready to help, yet it’s equally as important to know how to get your potential clients to share their concerns.
There are lots of other steps to take before honing your new business skills, but these are some of the essentials.
I’ve workshopped with hundreds of lawyers on this topic, so just reach out if you want to discuss this, or to add to this list.
And for those who watched Ted Lasso, I remain a fan of AFC Richmond, and follow all of their games.